Register a second driver in the car insurance contract

Generally an insurance contract mentions the name of a driver, but it is quite possible to designate other people. The main driver designates the owner of the car, he also represents the person who takes out the insurance contract.

A second person can use the same vehicle occasionally, it must imperatively be registered with the company setting up the insurance.

Second driver's seat

The status between the two people is different. The person who drives the vehicle occasionally does not hold the contract. The contributions are therefore paid only by the person responsible for the car.

The possible declaration of the main driver does not generate any responsibility of the second person. Declaring it greatly facilitates the administrative procedures. Otherwise, the driver is obliged to report to his insurance all the occasions on which the second driver has taken the wheel.

You should also know that the two statuses are totally different, the driver mentioned as secondary does not have the possibility of behaving like the owner of the contract. In this case, the insurer may be able to terminate the contract by mentioning a false declaration.

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The impact of the second driver on the bonus-malus coefficient

The bonus-malus is attached only to the vehicle, an accident whether it is carried out by the main or secondary driver generates a modification of the coefficient by the insurer.

When an accident occurs and generates the responsibility of the second person driving the vehicle occasionally, the bonus-malus is not modified if the driving was carried out without the knowledge of the drivers mentioned in the contract.

This policy does not apply if this person lives with the owner or one of the occasional drivers.

The occasional young driver

If he is mentioned as a second driver, the insurer has the right to increase the premium rate. This approach is carried out because of his lack of experience. This method allows him to acquire a record of information.

The bonus-malus system in auto insurance

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Malus, in car insurance

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