5 Money-Saving Tips for College Students Living on a Tight Budget

Picture: Illustration saving tips for college students living

I'm a college student who finds herself living on a tight budget. As a result, I've had to learn how to make smart spending choices, like eating in the dining hall and buying more groceries at the grocery store instead of eating out. 

But there are ways you can save money as well! Here are five tips that have helped me stay within my means:

Consider a roommate.

If you're living on your own, it can be difficult to save money. You may have to pay for utilities and rent separately, plus food and other expenses. But if you share a home with another student who doesn't have to worry about paying their bills (or at least not as much), then that adds up to less overall cost!

The benefits of sharing an apartment or house include:

  • Splitting costs between two people instead of just one person; means that everyone has lower costs than they would otherwise have had if they were living alone.

  • Saving more money because there's no need to buy furniture or appliances when everyone gets along well enough between themselves already!

Read Also: How to Save on College Costs Without Hitting Your Wallet Too Hard

Use meal plans strategically.

  • Consider the cost of buying food outside of your meal plan.

  • Make a list of all the meals you will eat, and plan them around the school calendar.

  • Consider what you can make ahead of time so that when it's time to eat, there is less stress about finding something new and fresh in the fridge or freezer.

Research city discounts and rewards programs.

  • Look for discounts on entertainment, restaurants, and other services.

  • Consider a rewards program like airline miles or points you can use at the grocery store.

  • Search for deals on food and clothing you need—and make sure to keep an eye out for coupons that can help save more money in the future!

Shop around for the best coffee shop and coffee blend, and commit to making coffee at home daily.

Making coffee at home is a great way to save money, and the rewards are more than just financial. You'll also have time to do other things—like binge-watching Netflix or reading an entire book in one sitting.

When you're choosing a coffee shop, keep in mind what kind of blend you want: light roast vs dark roast? Full-bodied flavor vs milder taste? The right blend will depend on your tastes and preferences as well as what kind of work or school schedule you have (or don't have). 

You can also use this list as inspiration when it comes time for making your blend at home so that you don't waste any money on pre-ground beans!

Research the local public transportation system, and opt for a monthly pass if you have to travel frequently between home and school.

As a college student living in the city, you likely have access to public transportation. If so, consider using your monthly pass instead of buying daily tickets. The money saved from this can be used to help pay for other expenses or put toward savings goals like investing in mutual funds.

When making this decision about which form of transportation is better for you and your family, think about the time savings that come with using public transportation: 

no more worrying about catching last-minute rides or waiting on buses or trains; no more stress when trying to get home after class has ended; no more fighting traffic or parking spots (or having them taken away).

Why does this matter? Because it's important as a student who lives far away from home that both parties understand their options--and what those options entail--before making any decisions regarding where they live and how they get around town.

It's all about planning!

While living on a tight budget can be difficult, it's all about planning! Planning your meals and snacks, packing your lunch every day, and making sure you always have enough cash in your wallet are all great ways to save money while still enjoying yourself.

Planning also saves time in the long run because it allows you to stay organized and efficient; these two things will help make sure that everything runs smoothly throughout the day without any problems or delays. 

Plus, when there aren't any unexpected expenses popping up while out with friends or family members (like buying food at a restaurant), then everything goes much smoother overall!


We don't want to leave you with the impression that you can't survive on a budget if you live in an expensive city. You absolutely can, and we encourage students everywhere to take advantage of these tips. 

We hope that they'll help some aspiring young professionals get started on their path to financial freedom!

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