The Average Cost Of Car Insurance In Queensland

picture: illustration the average cost of car insurance in queensland

Car insurance is an important part of protecting yourself against the cost of a car accident, but it can be difficult to find the right policy. There are many factors at play when determining how much you'll pay for auto insurance in Queensland.

We've broken down some basic information about car insurance premiums in QLD to help get you started on finding the best rate for your situation.

Read Also: Car Insurance In Queensland: How Much Does It Really Cost?

What is car insurance?

Car insurance is a type of insurance that protects you in the event of an accident or theft. It covers the cost of damage to your vehicle, medical expenses and legal fees.

You can also choose to add extra cover options if you want to (e.g., comprehensive car insurance). Car insurance premiums are calculated based on certain factors such as:

  • The driver's age
  • The make and model of car/s owned by the insured person/s
  • Where you live (your state or territory)

What types of cover are available in Queensland?

  • Third-party property damage covers the cost of repairs to another person's car. This covers damage caused by your car, but not when you hit a pedestrian, for example.

  • Third-party liability covers the costs of any injuries or deaths that occur as a result of an accident where you were at fault, regardless of whether it was your fault or not; this is also known as "liability" insurance and includes legal fees if you're found at fault in an accident that results in injury or death to others (but not damages).

  • Comprehensive insurance covers any damage to your vehicle caused by something external to it (such as theft), fire or flood; however, it won't cover other people's vehicles if they're involved in an accident with yours - instead only their own cars will be covered by this type of policy –

which means that comprehensive isn't mandatory unless state laws require drivers to have some form of additional coverage for their own vehicles before being allowed on the road!

  • Compulsory third party (CTP) coverage is one way Queensland drivers can lower premiums when purchasing car insurance:

CTP provides compensation for victims who suffer injury from accidents involving uninsured drivers (or sometimes where there's no valid proof that a driver was fully insured).

How can I reduce my car insurance premiums in Queensland?

There are several ways you can reduce your car insurance premiums in Queensland:

  • Ask for a discount. Most insurers offer discounts to customers who drive less than a certain number of kilometres each year, or have been with the same insurer for a long time and have had no claims.

Some may even offer discounts if your car is fitted with anti-theft devices or has an engine immobiliser.

  • Shop around. Prices vary between different companies, so it's worth shopping around to see which one offers the best deal on cover.

Remember that some companies charge higher premiums because they're more likely to pay out on claims than others - if this is important to you then make sure you get quotes from all different types of insurers before signing up with anyone else!

  • Insure your car for less than its market value (but not so much less). 

You'll save money on insurance by insuring your vehicle for less than it would cost new today - but this isn't always possible due to depreciation rather than theft risks etcetera being higher over time as well because people aren't buying new cars any longer due cost reasons among other reasons why they wouldn't want/need another one anyway.)

For example: My old Corolla was worth maybe $2500 back when I bought it four years ago but after four years' use plus lots of wear & tear (especially since I drove everywhere), now might-

only be worth $1500 total including repairs needed too much already spent fixing things up as well as what parts didn't work correctly before ever leaving factory floor originally built without knowing about these problems yet still somehow managed working fine despite this oversight! 

So now imagine how much cheaper my car insurance premiums would be if there wasn't any difference between purchase price & current value like 1st listed above means?

How much does car insurance cost in Queensland?

How much does car insurance cost in Queensland?

The average cost of car insurance in Brisbane and Cairns is $1,571 per year. This is based on the average quarterly premium for a 25-year-old female driver with a full licence and no claims history who lives in the suburbs and drives an economical vehicle that’s less than 3 years old (NCCF Cat D).

In comparison, the average annual premium costs more at $2,500 for a married male who has been driving for more than 15 years. He also owns an SUV with no claims history that’s 5 or 6 years old (NCCF Cat A).

What other factors influence my premium?

There are a number of factors that can influence the cost of your premium. These include:

  • Your driving record. If you have recently been involved in an accident, or have had any other driving offences on your record, this may affect the amount that you pay for car insurance. The higher the risk to insurers, the more they will charge you to cover their risk.

  • The type of car you drive. Insurance companies will also base their premiums on particular vehicles as these pose different levels of risk – so if you own a luxury vehicle or one with high performance capabilities (like speed), then expect to pay more than someone who drives something less powerful and therefore less risky.

  • Where you live and work will also impact how much your premium costs; some areas are considered safer than others which means insurance companies consider them less at risk from crime-related incidents such as theft or vandalism – 

meaning those living in these safer locations tend to be charged less for their car insurance than those living in high-risk areas such as inner cities where there is more likelihood that there could be damage caused by vandals or thieves trying to break into cars parked nearby (or even worse).

How to compare car insurers

To get the best value for your money, you should compare the features and benefits of each policy. You should also consider the price of each policy.

Check the fine print in the policy documents and make sure that you understand what each insurer covers and doesn’t cover. If there are any exclusions or limitations on coverage, then it is important to know these before purchasing a policy.

You should also take into account reviews and ratings from other people who have purchased car insurance from that particular insurer in Queensland before making your decision as well as checking their financial strength and stability.

If you want to find the cheapest rate on your car insurance, it's important to compare policies from different providers.

If you want to find the cheapest rate on your car insurance, it's important to compare policies from different providers. You may be able to find a cheaper premium by comparing features and benefits, as well as customer service.

To compare policies from different providers, you can:

  • Use an online comparison website. This is often the quickest and easiest way to get quotes. The websites will ask you for some details about your vehicle, such as its make and model, before giving you a quote based on their database of existing offers in Queensland. 

You'll need to enter information such as your driving history and age so that they have enough information about your situation to give accurate estimates of how much each provider will charge.

  • Call or visit an agent in person at one of their offices or branches throughout Queensland (depending on where they operate). 

Most agents offer similar services but there are some differences between them depending on where they are located; some offer car loans while others don't provide this service yet still offer comprehensive insurance solutions across all areas


At the end of the day, it's important to remember what your car insurance is for. It's not just to protect you financially in case of an accident (although that's certainly a big part of it); it also gives you peace of mind that if something goes wrong, someone else will be there to help out. 

We're here with some tips on how best to compare different policies and find one that suits your needs!

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