How To Compare Car Insurance Quotes To Save Money?

Picture: Illustration how to compare car insurance quotes to save money

Compare car insurance quotes and save

Why compare car insurance quotes?

Car insurance offers and their rates vary from one insurer to another. That is why, as a rule, it is recommended to compare car insurance quotes from several providers in order to make an appropriate choice.

In practice, going around the insurance companies in your locality, for example, is an expense item that you can easily avoid. Indeed, you have the opportunity to go through a car insurance comparator to choose the ideal partner.

The comparison tools, a priori available online, allow you to study different insurance formulas, quickly without moving. These are dedicated platforms that make available to their users, the quotes of many providers, according to their specific needs.

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This allows you not only to save time, but also to make substantial savings of up to 45% on the car insurance premium.

In practice, from a connected device, you can compare and choose the most economical offer among those displayed and that meet your expectations.

These providers offer you the opportunity to review quotes from many players in the insurance industry. These are in this case: bankers, national companies, brokers, wholesalers...

How to compare car insurance quotes?

The use of a car insurance quote comparator is very advantageous, but it is necessary a priori to know how to compare to make an optimal choice.

In practice, comparison platforms make available to their many users a form to fill out or an indicative questionnaire. These tools make it possible to have personalized search intentions and therefore a list of quotes that correspond to a specific request.

As a rule, the form allows the user to fill in personal information, information about the vehicle and your history as an insured person. In addition to these data, you must indicate the insurance plan that you want to take out.

These can be: third parties, all risks, intermediaries ... You also have the possibility to add filtering options such as: your budget, additional services or specific guarantees...

When all these data are filled in on a comparator, the simulator available on the platform offers you a list of quotes compatible with your search. In practice, you have the option of comparing each insurance quote in detail or performing a side-by-side comparison of several quotes simultaneously.

In any case, the main elements for comparing insurance quotes are: car insurance formula, annual car insurance premium rate, covered warranties, deductibles and exclusions, insurance limits, assistance and additional options....

The advantages of comparing car insurance premiums

The insurance premium is one of the most decisive comparison criteria when choosing an insurance company. This is the basic amount owed by the insured (per year) for the coverage of the guarantees included in his car insurance contract.

Note, however, that for the same formula and identical guarantees, the basic amount to be paid can vary greatly from one insurer to another. Indeed, it is generally influenced by objective and subjective criteria specific to each provider.

In practice, in addition to the chosen insurance formula and the covered guarantees, insurers set the price according to parameters such as:

  • the type of vehicle,
  • the age of the driver,
  • driving history,
  • the use of the automobile,
  • the driver's city of residence...

Even if these are a priori common criteria for all insurance companies, the importance given to one or the other may vary. For a given provider, the use of the vehicle may be more decisive in setting the annual rate, while for another, it would be a question of age.

Under these conditions, it is undoubtedly very convenient to compare the insurance premiums of several providers in order to choose the most advantageous one.

The comparison tools allow you to quickly get a global idea of the common and specific parameters taken into account in the premium pricing. Note also that the basic amount to be paid by an insured person can be influenced downwards or upwards by his bonus-malus.

In any case, it is necessary to provide on average about 600 euros for the car insurance premium for your vehicle.

How to save money on your car insurance policy?

Car insurance is one of those significant items of expenses that you cannot escape. However, there are various practical tricks and techniques that you can use to make substantial savings on this mandatory load.

As a rule, using an online car insurance comparator is the easiest primary way to get an insurance policy at a lower cost.

In addition, it is recommended to opt for online car insurance companies to save more money. Indeed, the rates offered by the latter are more advantageous, because they are not influenced by their office management fees.

In addition to these first tips, you can save money on your car insurance policy by following the following tips:

  • adopt a healthy and impeccable driving habit,
  • opt for the annual payment of the insurance premium,
  • install a black box and a dash cam,
  • opt for insurance per kilometer (when you do less than 15,000 kilometers per year)...

Similarly, you can reduce the price of your insurance premium by directly covering minimal damage, for example. It is also advisable to adopt a secure parking habit.

Thus, rather than parking your vehicle on the street, in this case at night, you should opt for more secure garages. It can be your own garage, a licensed carport or a very convenient private driveway.

In any case, the parking space must be well spaced without any proven risk of scratches during daily entry and exit maneuvers. (*)

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