5 Money Saving Tips for Summer

5 money saving tips for summer. Whenever the season of summer comes around many people choose to strategize around avoiding the rising temperatures that come along with it.

While this may mean for more social harmony as people are much more cooled down (or in other words, a lot less hot-headed), the downside of this is that people are squeezing out a lot more economic output when they could in fact, avail the opportunity to save some money instead.

For the most part, in order to avoid the heat, a lot of resources are utilized including but not restricted to money. We have gathered five money saving tips for summer for our readers, 5 money saving tips for summer:

The Air-conditioning Conflict

The problem here is that the air-conditioning is a major source of relief in the summer, which often stretches out the electricity bills.

What people fail to realize is that, unlike the cooler seasons where opening the windows brings in an unwelcome fall in temperatures, during the summer season one can choose to take advantage of the fact that it is not uncomfortably cold outside.

Traditional methods such as cross-ventilation by keeping certain windows or doors open for a slight breeze works wonders for lowering the temperatures indoors. And best of all, it’s completely free and as an added bonus, is environmentally friendly too.

If your house doesn’t have proper ventilation then you should try to move to another place (although it’s easier said than done!).

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Those Expensive Vacations...

A lot of people will choose to run away from the turmoil of summer heat by going on a vacation (often to a land far away, where prices sky-rocket upwards) from the place they reside in.

For those who have families, this means spending a lot of money on feeding and entertaining a lot of people that was previously diligently being saved. The advantage of summer is that it opens doors to a wide variety of outdoor activities, most of which are easily available in one’s home area.

Whether this involves going to the beach, packing a picnic or simply making use of the local pool, it stands to show that summer opens doors to a magnitude of activities for all kinds of people. So unless you can really afford a vacation, it’s better to stick around.

Become Your Own Gardener

Every season comes bearing its own fruits and vegetables. So, another way of saving money and yet another recreational activity is to become invested in growing your own produce.

Technology and resources has made it so that even if you do not have a traditional garden, you can still choose to grow various plants indoors or on a balcony/near a windowsill.

This potentially saves money you would normally spend on the groceries store for staple ingredients, be it tomatoes or onions. It might not make you a millionaire, but it will certainly make some difference!

The Money Saving Laundry Man

By utilizing the outside temperature when it comes to drying clothes after being washed, instead of choosing to make use of a dryer which uses up a resource which is unfortunately, not free, is a great albeit small way to save money spent on the electric bill.


By making use of this wonderful summer activity, one saves money on either gas or electric bills, depending on what kind of stove a person has. This is, a popular opinion suggests, one of the best thing about summers.

Apart from saving money, this also works as a social activity and is bound to lure people outdoors, with the incentive of delicious food that works wonders for creating a new found tolerance to higher temperatures (some delicious food and beer makes you forget the hot summer for a while).

These are only few of the many tips on how you can save money in summers and live on a budget. What money saving methods do you use? (*)

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